Please click the appropriate category below to purchase your membership.
Regular Members:
Association Executives and Managerial Personnel
Associate Members:
Hotels and Members of the Hospitality Industry
Affiliate Members:
Lobbyists, Accountants, Vendors and Service Providers
• Maintain & Broaden Your Network - Exchange ideas, solve problems and make valuable connections with professionals from all over
Alabama at events like our Golf Outing and semi-monthly Lunch & Learns. You will also have a personal listing in the Directory, which
is a valuable tool for all ACAE members.
• Save Money - As a member, you will get discounted rates for registration to all ACAE events. Who doesn't love to save money?
• Sharpen Your Skills - Stay on top of the latest ACAE news, information & updates with our quarterly Council News. Gain
indispensable knowledge & learn new industry-specific details by completing one of our available webinars or attending one of our
educational workshops.
• Advance Your Career - Do you want to have an edge? The ACAE Foundation can help with that! The CAE credential sets you apart by
enhancing your marketability, increasing your earnings & showcasing your expertise.
• Give Back - Through ACAE, you not only have the opportunity to give back to your profession, but also a different charity each year.
This year, we will be fundraising for Children's of Alabama. Other ways you can give back include: volunteering to serve on a
committee or speaking at an ACAE event. Get involved & help shape the future of the ACAE!
• Be informed - In addition to a subscription to The Council News, we also offer a Salary Survey that tracks industry compensation
levels and trends.